So, we have found ourselves back in the grip of lockdown. Currently, we are on day 9 of the 17 day lockdown. A delay in writing about it only caused by moving home and waiting for the main internet connection to be moved.
I don’t really have too much to say at this point about this lockdown in Wales as a whole. On the face of things I agree with it and it was expected. I have been written to again as I was on the shielding list before, and while we’re not being asked to shield (which would make me feel safer), we are being asked to be more careful. Something myself and my children are doing anyway.
I’d like to see more support for people and for businesses of course as many people are going to suffer if resources are not made available and that is unconscionable; however a lot of those issues are reserved matters that only the Westminster government can fully deal with, despite the best efforts of the Welsh government.
It brings absolutely no surprise to me whatsoever that the suggestion by Keir Starmer on implementing a ‘circuit breaker’ lockdown in England (to match Wales), was rejected by Boris Johnson weeks ago. It’s always the play the Tories make. If it’s suggested by Labour, then reject it out of hand.
Of course now Boris has had to announce a lockdown with twice the timeframe anyway and with schools staying open now (which they wouldn’t have been over the half term suggested by Keir), and this may go on even further with the added issue that Brexit is looming too. Another disaster waiting to happen I fear.
The Welsh government, while not perfect, have been, in stark contrast to Westminster, fantastic in their efforts to support and keep safe the public here in Wales.
It’s of no surprise to me either that Welsh Independence is gaining momentum and who can blame its supporters? I have to admit it has been nice trusting in someone other than the Tories. Having someone solely speak for Wales.
My views previously were that had I been in Scotland, I would have voted yes to independence. In Wales I have never been quite sure, despite the fact I voted yes to more devolution the last time it was put to us via referenda here in Wales.
However this pandemic and brexit have given me a different perspective and I dare say were the question ever put to people in Wales on independence, I would be voting yes.
However for now I must rest.
This blog post comes with the obvious caveat that the writing contained herein is merely that of my own opinion.
…. perhaps just one more blog.